The Colorful World of Sofie Sol
Being able to create something with your hands and see materials turn into beautiful dresses is not something everyone is born with. To be able to select the loveliest textiles and shape the dress just like you want to has to be the ultimate goal of fashion.
We have interviewed the very talented designer Sofie Sol who was discovered by a known Danish fashion shop and since then, her career has escalated. We have asked her about her inspirations, ideas and aims for her lovely dresses, and also about what the future holds for her brand.
In our series Time For Creative Souls, we interview interesting and inspiring personalities, who all have in common that they are extremely creative and talented. They are all people with their own view on the world and together we invite you into their universe.
Dear Sofie, your dresses are already all over Instagram. But before we dive into some more details of your story, we wanted to ask a little more about who you are. How and when did you get started with designing?
Hello, I am Sofie Sol. I am the creator of Sofie Sol studio. I am 26 years old and live in Copenhagen. Designing or creating have always been a key part of my existence, I guess. As a kid I loved every weird, creative task or opportunity that presented itself. Later in life I found a big relief in expressing myself through forms, colors and materials. Especially making clothes became my ultimate free space, where I could release and unite all my passions.
You were "discovered" on Instagram by the famous shop Nørgaard Paa Strøget in Copenhagen. How did that change your brand and its development?
Actually, I barely had a brand before that… So pretty much everything. I was just creating some dresses for myself. I felt a big interest from people around me, so I decided to make an extended Instagram profile (which today is my brand site), also so I didn’t disturb my friends with the constant flow of dresses in their feed. Shortly after I was contacted by Nørgaard Paa Strøget, and then things went fast.
I am already amazed by all amazing women who are rocking my dresses in the streets. I love the diversity and the wide range of personalities that come across.
It seems like influencers really like your dresses. What is the most popular one among them?
All of these beautiful girls have quite a different selection, which is the essence of me. I think the dress has so many different looks just because of the wearer. It seems totally different to me, and it has been such a pleasure to see the dresses come alive in a totally unique perspective only because of who's wearing it, the color and length.
Who would you love to see wear your dress?
I am already amazed by all amazing women who are rocking my dresses in the streets. I love the diversity and the wide range of personalities that come across. To me that is indeed the most important and enriching feeling.
Are you making every dress yourself or have you gotten help for production?
I "cook" every single one myself. I guess some might find it stupid, but I love to sew and to me it's a big part of the job. Being self-producing is way more rewarding to me than to let the production out in the big wide world. I see it as a luxury to know that I have a limit, and the amount of dresses is based on my work. It's cool and I really get a vibe of people respecting it, which also means a lot to me.
We like that your dresses look so fashionable - but also comfortable. Was that a feature you were planning or did that come from the design?
I'm the most comfort-a-holic ever! I hate wearing clothes that don't feel good. I made the dress as the ultimate medley of empowering and comfort for myself. It's just amazing that everybody else gets the same feeling.
I "cook" every single one myself. I guess some might find it stupid, but I love to sew and to me it's a big part of the job.
We like that your dresses look so fashionable - but also comfortable. Was that a feature you were planning or did that come from the design?
I'm the most comfort-a-holic ever! I hate wearing clothing that doesn't feel good. I made the dress as the ultimate medley of empowering and comfort for myself. It's just amazing that everybody else get the same feeling.
At Mermaid Stories, we cannot really hide that we like pink (a lot!). And we love your brand identity - it also has this very modern, millennial pink kind of shade in it. Can you tell us a bit how you developed it?
Uh, pink pink pink. I love pink too, and I've been searching for an inner reason. It seems like every time I'm going through a color palette pink needs to be a part of it. The color is soft and yet so powerful, right?
It definitely is! Talking about colors - what is your bestselling dress and why do you think that is?
It's a close run between the black and the multi colored pink (perfect contrast). I'm quite sure the black almost explains itself. To me, the black is always on point. On days where my mood is a little retracted it’s nice to wear the black. And I really think the multi colored pink dress says a lot about what an amazing time we are in. The pink multicolored is the ultimate ‘express yourself’ with a hint of fearlessness.
I'm really driven by the power of so many spectacular and edgy people on Instagram. I love to see accounts with convincing aesthetics. I'm often hooked when people dare to push the norm and boundaries a bit.
What are your plans for the future?
There is a lot of stuff cooking on my desk! I can't reveal everything yet, but a long-awaited web shop is popping up soon. It will include some good extensions and I can't wait to show you guys. I'm really trying to keep everything in my own hands and the labor is quite limited when it comes down to only my hands. Everything must be very carefully thought out.
We always love to hear about new, exciting Instagrammers - that's after all also how we discovered you. Which Instagram accounts do you find inspiring?
I'm really driven by the power of so many spectacular and edgy people on Instagram. I love to see accounts with convincing aesthetics. I'm often hooked when people dare to push the norm and boundaries a bit. If you're not already there, an account like @park_wien (an Austrian online store) is an amazing and offbeat account. Otherwise I’m keeping up with some of my favorite designers and magazines such as @simonerocha_ or @purplefashionmagazine.
Thank you for sharing your passion with us, Sofie!
➸ You want to see more of Sofie Sol's beautiful designs? Take a look at her website and her Instagram for more inspiration - but be careful, you might find yourself in the middle of a creative urge in no time.
Interview by Mermaid Stories
Photos by Sofie Sol